Violette Verdy : “Surement , le monde de la danse arait grand interet pour Hilde Holger, et vous devriez commencer par New-York ou la Danse recoit la meilleure attention.”
1 LONDON: Exhibition Tate Modern London 1st February — 29th April 2001 Century City The exhibition explored the relationship between cultural creativity and the metropolis, by focusing on nine cities from around the world at specific moments over the previous hundred years. An infant photo of Holger was in the show. For the Vienna 1908—1918 section, Holger was interviewed in the Observer Magazine, 7th January 2001.
2 LONDON: Symposium and Exhibition at the Austrian Cultural Forum London 11th – 12th May 2002 At the Austrian Cultural Forum London, an exhibition was arranged for the duration of the weekend symposium. Albert Thimann, Hilde Holger Legacy Team. The photos and costumes were from Holger’s later London period. Films were also shown, with a poster published for the purpose of commemorating Holger’s recent death. Sponsored by ARTO, the University College Chichester and the Austrian Cultural Forum London.
3 VIENNA – NEW YORK: Exhibition Jewish Museum, Vienna, Yeshiva University Museum, NY. 14th May 2003 – 21st October 2003, Vienna. Quasi una fantasia – Juden und die Musikstadt Wien. 8th February 2004 – 30th June 2004, NEW YORK Quasi una fantasia – Jews and the City of Vienna Music. A second catalogue was produced in English for the same show later presented in New York. Items from Hilde Holger’s legacy were part of this exhibition. Curators: Leon Botstein and Werner Hanak.
4 VIENNA: Exhibition at the Jewish Museum Vienna 19th May 2004 – 31st October 2004 Wien, Stadt der Juden. – Die Welt der Tante Jolesch Thirty six items from the Hilde Holger collection were in this very large and extensive exhibition in Vienna. Curator: Joachim Riedl. Book published by Verlag Paul Zsolnay.
5 LONDON: Reception and Concert at the Austrian Cultural Forum London 18th October 2005 (Holger’s hundredth birthday) At the AUSTRIAN CULTURAL FORUM, London in South Kensington, there was a flute and piano concert at 7pm, given by David Sutton-Anderson, her musical director for twenty years, of music she used from her repertoire. Included in the concert was the piano score of Holger’s collaboration with Marcel Rubin and Elias Canetti for Die Stadt, with a pre-concert slide show and speech by Holger’s daughter Primavera, the well attended concert was followed by a reception where the future Centenary Events were announced.
6 LONDON: Performance Hosted by the Laban Centre. 1st March 2006
This event featured a discussion (Liz Aggiss, Thomas Kampe, Primavera Boman-Behram ) chaired by playwright Julia Pascal, former dance critic for the Guardian, with live reconstructions directed by Liz Aggiss and Thomas Kampe, of six early solo dance miniatures by Holger from her early Vienna period.
Sponsored by Laban, The Facility, London Metropolitan University and The Austrian Cultural Forum, London
7 LONDON: at the Lyric Hammersmith 15th June 2006 This centenary event took place as a Tribute to Hilde Holger and was performed by the AMICI Dance Theatre Company and its director, Wolfgang Stange who studied with Hilde Holger, for thirty years.
8 LONDON: at the Riverside Studios Cinema 1st, October 2006 Another tribute to Hilde Holger by the AMICI Dance Theatre Company and Wolfgang Stange, it’s director. HILDE, a film directed by Go Nonaka, was shown. [HILDE was filmed when the theatre performances by the same name was performed in London at the Riverside Theatre in 1996, and later in Vienna at the Odeon Theatre, 1998. Also shown, was another film by Nonaka,–ONE DAY AT HILDE’S CLASS. Prior to Nonaka’s film screening, a panel comprising of some of her older students discussed Hilde Holger’s teaching methods.
9 LONDON: at the British Library 9th November 2007 – 30th March 2008. Breaking the Rules. The Printed Face of the Avant Garde 1900- 1937 Book and head creator, Dr Stephen Bury. Hilde Holger’s early Viennese solos were shown on a video monitor; the solos reconstructed by Liz Aggiss with the help of Hilde Holger. (Music played by Billy Cowie.) –In September 2008 the show went to Scotland.
10 LONDON: at the Interchange Studios, The Hampstead Old Town Hall 29th October 2010 – 27th November 2010. MoveABOUT: Transformation through movement
A series of twelve practical creative workshops given by the students of Hilde Holger. This culminated in a Forum/Discussion, The Lost Link – Hilde Holger, hosted by Victoria King.
11 NEW YORK: Screening Preview at Brooklyn Museum, New York, The Elizabeth A. Sackler Centre for Feminist Art, Forum, 4th Floor. Sunday, 27th January 2013, at 2pm
Hilde Holger – Her Legacy
Stephanie Genkin, editorial Producer CNN, and moderator at Forum of Film showing, with Primavera Boman.
27th January 2013: Holger’s Documentary previewed at The Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art, Brooklyn Museum, with Lynn Garafola, Lina Bernstein and Primavera Boman.
12 LONDON: at the Primrose Hill Community Association. Wednesday 28h May 2014 at 2pm. Primavera showed clips from the Hilde film and talked about her mother’s London period.
13 GRAZ Austria Kunsthaus
Artist: Caecilia Tripp, Milica Tomic, Simon Wachsmuth, Gernot Wieland, Portia Zvavahera, Hilde Holger
Exhibition: 24.09.2016 – 08.01.2017
Exhibitor: Kunsthaus Graz
Kunsthaus Graz on art-report
City: Graz
Foto: Charles Petras (Hilde Holger, Performance Juhu Beach, Mumbai
Kunsthaus, Graz, Austria: Body Luggage Migration of Gestures
This year’s steirischer herbst exhibition imagines the migration of cultural signs across borders, of body language as the signs we carry on our backs, even if it is the only luggage we are able to carry.
When everything can be confiscated from those in flight the body is turned into an archive, where experience and memory are inscribed. Everything a person has experienced, all that he or she is or has been, is inscribed on their body, a body that cannot simply be taken off. How are artistic vocabularies relayed across geographical and temporal boundaries_ And what specific artistic objects result from this multiple migration_
From the particularities of historical continuities the exhibition questions art historical methods, engaging with various attempts to contain world art history. Enlightenment attempts to find geographical continuity have been critically dismantled, just as ethnography and the discipline of anthropology were so much born from the colonial enlightenment encounter. Yet, as a form of thinking with unique textual-visual methods several works in the exhibition seek how art historical methods may be put to wider avant-garde political potential.
By placing history alongside artistic mutations the exhibition asks how avant-garde forms are transmitted or provoked. Why does an Austrian choreographer in the 30s, forced to flee from the Nazi regime to Bombay, exchange the word dance for body movement. What induces an artist, after six years in prison, to engage in ancient forms of dance as a basis for pioneering performance art in Myanmar under the dictatorship of the 90s_ Why does an artist consider the body parts of mass graves in Bosnia able to seek for a non-identitarian politics of memory.
Indian-born curator, art historian and co-founder of Clark House Initiative, Zasha Colahs work frequently focuses on questions of cultural legacy in precarious circumstances. Before co-curating the Pune Biennale 2017 she has invited a number of artists to join her in Graz and probe the field of tension between art and the often extreme social conditions by which it is determined.
14 NEW DELHI Exhibition: “Hodu and the Jews” 5th to 28th February 2017 Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), INDIA Twin Art Gallery, 1, Central Vista (CV) Mess, Janpath, New Delhi-110001, India
Dr Ken Robbins telling Indian Minister of State and Israeli Ambassador about HILDE HOLGER
Shirei Hodu meaning the “Songs of India”, celebrates the Jewish Connection that India has forged over centuries The minority community of the Jews has enjoyed religious freedom and contoured the cultural landscape of the country. All sects of the community, the Bene Israel Jews of Maharashtra, Cochin Jews of Kerala and the Baghdadi Jews of Mumbai and Kolkata have contributed to various aspects of socio-cultural life, India has produced distinguished businessmen, eminent artists, illustrious political leaders, World renowned poets and authors from the Jewish Community, All these aspects along with the history, ritual practices, architecture etc., will be showcased in the exhibition.
15. Conference and exhibition in Kolkata, INDIA: “In Global Transit. Jewish Migrants from Hitler’s Europe in Asia, Africa, and Beyond.” 14-18 February 2018
16. VIENNA, Austria, Theater Museum Vienna, “Alles Tanzt. Kosmos Wiener Tanzmoderne” 21.3.2019 -10.2 2020.
Hilde Holger, Vienna (photo: Antios) Primavera’s Talk at Preview, 20.03.2019
17. BERLIN, Germany, Akademie der Künste, Berlin. DAS JAHRHUNDERT DES TANZES – Exhibition, August 2019. A collection of influential pioneers of dance from the XX. Century with, “Was der Körper erinnert. Zur Aktualität des Tanzerbes“.

18. LONDON, UK Film Showing of “HILDE HOLGER” short, at A Space For Us People’s Museum. Somers Town.

19. Screening: “HILDE” short, September 6th, 10am, 2024, at Theater 4, Block ‘H’, 6925 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90028, United States.

20. “HILDE HOLGER” short selected for inclusion in 2024 Accolade Global Film Competition, United States.